Who We Are

Abundance for All, Inc. (AFAI) is a compassionate non-profit 501(C)3 organization established to mitigate within its available resources the needs of individuals, families and the community as a practical demonstration of our commitment and values to serve by providing to the least and underprivileged amongst us.

Our Mission

AFAI focuses on adult education and skilled training programs that helps people become productive, self reliant and sufficiently satisfied with their standard of living by addressing their social and economic barriers through the process of assisting, restoring, rebuilding and creating a sustainable substantial abundance to life for all.

Get in Touch


406 Amapola avenue Suite 210
Torrance CA 90501

Our hours

10:00 AM – 5.00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: +1.310.436.5760

Our Vision

Creating an abundant and fulfilling life expressed in love for a community with whole and healthy people.

Take action, helps people become productive.